Friday, November 28, 2008

Peg's Wishlist

Peg doesn't have a clue what she wants for Christmas, or what she wants to eat! However, you can use your imagination (if you've got one), and a clue is, she is mostly practical and not into knick-knacks or fragrances.
Vouchers for Target or BigW

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Katie's Wish List

  • Potting Mix and pots
  • Swahili book
  • Baby stuff
  • voucher from Bunnings, Big W

Sunday, November 16, 2008


1) The Tajmahal:) i would look good in that

Ahem...Eric should get coal cause his bullying me as I write this.

I would like Santa to bring me one of the following items cause I have been so good this year:

1) An Australian potted plant that i plan on naming Lulu or Josphat depending on the color of flowers.

2) A big Koala or Kangaroo teddy bear cause am little girl at heart and all tourists like teddy's.

3)A wine rack, something with an old vintage look to it.

4) A beautiful big journal to jot down alots , if it has sections for pictures that would totally rock.

For the good of all humanity could i like suggest or hint to Aunty Gail to include Pumpkin pie sometime during the festive month:)...that stuff is goooooodddddddddddddddd:)

Have a lovely day Santa.

From Wangechi

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Secret Santa

The guest list is finalised and my kind neighbor is doing the draw, so you should all have the name of the person you need to buy a gift for next week!
Thanks for your patience - you can all blame Stefan!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Artie's wish list

(updated, dec 09)
  • Song, ¨Jesus who?¨ Reg Poole. Aussie. maybe on ebay.
  • Aftershave, to overcome the smell of the shed.
  • Glasses case . preferably one suited for in my pocket.

    Tips and Hints

    Hey if anyone wants any tips on how to set up links etc feel free to ask?
    Also you can edit your post at anytime, add more things to list, changing wording or removing things you decided you didn't want after all! (just go to 'edit posts')
    Eric is your last post going to be where you put your list or will you make a new post? I wait to see before I make a link to to side bar quick link list! (Oh that's a mouth full!)
    Anyway I'll get the people organised soon!

    Tuesday, November 4, 2008


    I HAVE NO IDEA RIGHT NOW but will be back sortly with the biggest list I´m sure, I´ll make it real easy for the person that gets me as long as your willing to spend a lot MWHAHAHA jks...but for real...mway brb